South Korea
Premium Partner
방배천로2길 12, 2층

It was established to properly supply food in each region of Korea

In an era where the imbalance between the production and consumption of agricultural products is increasing, FarmNet was established to properly supply local food to consumers. Instead of selling through one-sided purchases, we are promoting execution-oriented marketing consulting so that local producers can operate their businesses independently. We provide a series of consulting services such as market analysis to develop products that meet new demand and distribute them to the appropriate market through analysis of the possibility of combining products with products required by the market.

  • Address방배천로2길 12, 2층
  • Phone01048146035
  • Business Number1148670323
  • Business TypeEntity
  • Year Established
  • Total Employees
  • House Brand AvailableYes
  • Dropshipping AvailableYes

Annual Production Capacity

Product Name Unit (Piece/Box) Average Max Verified
한국 배
경북 데일리 샤인 머스캣 2kg / 600g~700g*3ea
어부드림 간편 고등어 조림 400g / 6ea
우도볶음땅콩 150g, 300g / 3ea
제주당근 100 100g / 7ea*4pack

Company Certifications

Name Issuer Issued By Scope Verified