[Verber] Power Spicy Toothpaste (1 box)_150g*5ea Cardamom, Cinnamon Aroma Toothpaste, Fragrance Scaling, Whitening _ Made in KOREA

[Verber] Power Spicy Toothpaste (1 box)_150g*5ea Cardamom, Cinnamon Aroma Toothpaste, Fragrance Scaling, Whitening _ Made in KOREA

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USD $67.98
Negotiable (specific conditions to required)
Product Code: Power spice Toothpaste 5ea(1box)
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  • 베르베르 VERBER
  • South Korea
  • Premium Partner
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  • Product Description

    Scaling With Daily Aroma

    - Scent of spice that permeates deeply into the nose: Luxurious aromatherapy with cardamom and cinnamon oil
    - Fine foam prevents tooth abrasion: A small amount of soft, rich foam provides a refreshing feeling in the mouth.
    - White teeth: Silver powder filled in transparent gel has an excellent effect on teeth whitening.
    - Strong, elastic and healthy gums: Natural spice has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-viral effects
    - Cardamom and cinnamon in India have been passed down as folk remedies for strengthening immunity, cleaning the mouth, keeping teeth healthy, and removing bad breath.

    * Ingredients - Silver powder: antibacterial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, whitening / cardamom: anti-inflammatory, antiviral, sterilizing, mouth cleaning, mucus discharge, bad breath removal / cinnamon: anti-inflammatory, antiviral, oral hygiene / tea tree: sterilization , strengthens mucous membranes, relieves inflammation, disinfects / Orange: anti-inflammatory, strengthens mucous membranes, promotes digestion
    * Recommended - Those who want to use natural toothpaste for their health, those with tooth decay and gum disease, those with bad breath due to frequent meetings, those with hoarseness and phlegm due to fatigue, and those who have had implants or dentures.

    Delivery / 배송 

    배송기간은 평균 2 - 4(주말, 공휴일 제외)

    일주일 이내 배송을 원칙으로 하고 있습니다. 배송지연 시 개별연락 드리겠습니다.


    기본 배송비 3,000원 / 제주 및 도서산간지역 6,500원 / 5만원 이상 구매 시 무료배송

    (제주 및 도서산간 지역은 10만원 이상 구매 시 기본 배송비는 무료이나, 추가배송비 (3,500원)가 별도로 청구됩니다.)

    Exchange & refund / 교환 및 환불

    교환 및 환불은 제품 수령일 기준  7일 이내 사이트 내 마이페이지 혹은 유선상으로 접수해주시면 됩니다.

    단순 변심 및 착오로 인한 교환 / 환불의 경우 왕복 배송비 (6,000원)는 구매자 부담입니다.

    (, 제품에 결함, 변형이 생긴 경우 /  반품 기간이 지난 상품  / 

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    구매자의 관리부주의로 인한 결함( 상기 기재 사항 ) 확인될 시 신청을 거절당할 수 있음을 알립니다.


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