[Donggang Maru] Yeongwol Nonghyup Rice Jocheong 700g_100% Woori Rice, Rice Jocheong, Old Cauldron Syrup, Traditional Seasoning_Made in Korea

[Donggang Maru] Yeongwol Nonghyup Rice Jocheong 700g_100% Woori Rice, Rice Jocheong, Old Cauldron Syrup, Traditional Seasoning_Made in Korea

0 reviews 0 sold. Only 999 remain
USD $6.09 USD $7.30 -17%
Negotiable (specific conditions to required)
Product Code: 39_Donggangmaru
Stock In Stock
Viewed 291 times
Ship from South Korea
House Brand available (OEM, ODM, OBM)
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Seller information
  • 영월농협가공사업소
  • South Korea
  • Premium Partner
  • Seller Rating:    0 Reviews
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  • Product Description

    100% Korean rice with rich condiments, where you can feel the taste of an old-fashioned cauldron

    -Chocheng is used in place of sugar due to its sweet taste, which is more natural than sugar and is healthier.

    - Used in a variety of dishes, giving it a deep flavor and aroma.

    - Crude green contains more vitamins and minerals in comparison with sugar.  

    -Low in calories, it is also suitable for dieting or healthy food.

    -We produce reliable products with a thorough CLEAN SYSTEM after strict quality inspection.

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