[Verber] Roco Oil Serum_15ml Copaiva and Cactus Seed Objee, Matte and Moist Perfect Duality_ Made in KOREA

[Verber] Roco Oil Serum_15ml Copaiva and Cactus Seed Objee, Matte and Moist Perfect Duality_ Made in KOREA

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USD $76.60
Negotiable (specific conditions to required)
Product Code: Roco Oil Serum
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  • 베르베르 VERBER
  • South Korea
  • Premium Partner
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  • Product Description

    Copaiva and Cactus Seed Objee, Matte and Moist Perfect Duality

    - A matte oil serum that does not leave any residue on the skin.
    - Moisture without trace: Moisturizes to the touch and does not pull the skin at all.
    - Tight feeling of elasticity: Remake of the face scattered with fine lines.

    * Argan oil: Elasticity and moisture in the dermis layer / Gattus oil: Improves wrinkles and elasticity by restoring the dermal layer protein / Copaiba: Strengthens skin immunity / Rose: Clear and transparent skin condition / Ylang-Ylang: Replenish moisture / Palmarosa: Anti-inflammatory skin Trouble Relief / Rose Geranium: Oil-Moisture Balance
    * Recommended- Those who dry no matter how much they apply, those who want to slow down the signs of aging, those who love oil but do not like stickiness, those who like aromatherapy, and those who are looking for natural anti-aging products

    Delivery / 배송 

    배송기간은 평균 2 - 4(주말, 공휴일 제외)

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    기본 배송비 3,000원 / 제주 및 도서산간지역 6,500원 / 5만원 이상 구매 시 무료배송

    (제주 및 도서산간 지역은 10만원 이상 구매 시 기본 배송비는 무료이나, 추가배송비 (3,500원)가 별도로 청구됩니다.)

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    단순 변심 및 착오로 인한 교환 / 환불의 경우 왕복 배송비 (6,000원)는 구매자 부담입니다.

    (, 제품에 결함, 변형이 생긴 경우 /  반품 기간이 지난 상품  / 

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