[KOLON Pharmaceuticals] Lacto Medi Probiotic lactobacillus 2gx30Bags-10 Billion CFU Probiotics Powder Immune Health-Made in Korea

USD $5.22 USD $30.43

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KOLON Pharmaceuticals
Product Code:
KOLON Pharmaceuticals_11
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To Your Gut Health!

-Lactic acid bacteria are bacteria that are ingested into our body and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal environment when they reach the intestines. In order for lactic acid bacteria to reach the intestine and show the function of proliferation of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, suppression of harmful bacteria, and smooth bowel movements, it is necessary to consume 100 million ~ 1 billion CFU per day.
-Vitamin D is a nutrient that is biosynthesized in the skin through sunlight and is also known as the sunshine vitamin. If you don't get enough exposure to sunlight, you need to get enough from food, but there aren't many foods that are actually high in vitamin D, so supplementation is necessary. Contains 0.3% Vitamin D3 Blend
-It is possible to consume 17 kinds of lactic acid bacteria at once by properly combining them for the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. (250 billion CFU/g) 0.2% input
-It is recommended for those who need to take care of their intestinal health, those who are poor in nutrition due to their diet, students and office workers who are not active, and those who do not have adequate sun exposure due to lack of outdoor activities.
-Intake method: 1~2 times a day, take 1 packet as it is or take with plenty of water.
-Volume : 2gx30packet(60g)

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